Navigating the Virginia Solar Permit Map

The Virginia Permit Map is a central source of information for the solar permitting process in Virginia. The website is organized with a landing page to help the user determine which state permits are available for their project and detailed pages for each respective solar permit process and the interconnection process. For details on any step of any process, click on the respective box for further information. Upon determining which state permit options are available, the user should click on the permit name to find the associated permit page. Permit-specific pages provide details of the entire permit process: Federal, state, local requirements, and the interconnection map.

  • Content on each page begins at the left and follows the applicable pathway towards the right
  • For some permitting pathways, the user can choose the default SCC pathway or the alternative DEQ pathway
  • From any page, the permit pages can be found under the Process Maps dropdown menu
  • The interconnection map is linked from the Interconnection swimlane of each permit page and is accessible from the Interconnections tab
  • A glossary of abbreviations is in the upper-left corner of each page

Nameplate Capacity:
≤ 5 MW
Nameplate Capacity:
> 5 MW but ≤ 100 MW
Nameplate Capacity:
> 100 MW
Alternative Process: DEQ
Alternative Process: DEQ
Alternative Process: DEQ
Alternative Process: DEQ
NOI to Construct an Electric
Generating Facility with
Rated Capacity of ≤ 5 MW
Exemption from
Section 130 Permit
DEQ Section 130 Permit CPCN for Facilities
> 5 MW but ≤ 100 MW
DEQ Permit by Rule for
Small Solar Energy Projects
CPCN for Facilities
> 5 MW but ≤ 100 MW
DEQ Permit by Rule for
Small Solar Energy Projects
CPCN for > 100 MW Facilities DEQ Permit by Rule for
Small Solar Energy Projects
CPCN for > 100 MW Facilities
≤ 500 kW and disturbance zone is ≤ 10 acres
> 500 kW but ≤ 5 MW and disturbance zone is ≤ 2 acres
> 500 kW but ≤ 5 MW and disturbance zone is > 2 acres
Is the project
associated with a
public service
Is the project
≤ 150 MW?
Is the utility
regulated pursuant
to Title 56?
Does it meet the
criteria in §10.1-1197.6
I.1 or I.2 of the Code
of Virginia?
Is the project
seeking cost
Does it meet
the exemption